
cvui::rect() renders a rectangle, filled or not. The signature of the function is:

void rect (
    cv::Mat& theWhere,
    int theX,
    int theY,
    int theWidth,
    int theHeight,
    unsigned int theBorderColor,
    unsigned int theFillingColor = 0xff000000

where theWhere is the image/frame where the image will be rendered, theX is the position X, theY is the position Y, theWidth is the width of the rectangle, theHeight is the height of the rectangle, theBorderColor is the color of rectangle’s border in the format 0xRRGGBB, e.g. 0xff0000 for red, and theFillingColor is the color of rectangle’s filling in the format 0xAARRGGBB, e.g. 0x00ff0000 for red, 0xff000000 for transparent filling.

Below is an example showing a rectangle with no filling color (transparent). The result on the screen is shown in Figure 1.

cvui::rect(frame, 60, 10, 130, 90, 0xff0000);

Rectangle with no filling

Figure 1: rect component.

Rectangles can be filled with a solid color, as demonstrated below. Result on the screen shown in Figure 2.

cvui::rect(frame, 60, 10, 130, 90, 0xff0000, 0x00ff00);

Color-filled rectangle

Figure 2: rect component filled with a solid color.

Notice: currently it is not possible to define an alpha value different than 0xff000000 for the rectangle's filling transparency.

Learn more

Check the complex-layout example for more information about rect.

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